Psychosexual somatic therapy sessions in Lausanne and online

séances thérapie psycho-sexo-corporelle lausanne et en ligne


I offer integrative psychosexual somatic and emotional therapy sessions that are inclusive and tailored to individuals, couples, or partners, of all sexual orientations and relational configurations.

These sessions are available in-person in Lausanne and online.



Individual session in-person in Lausanne or online (Zoom):

  • 1h15 session: 160Frs
  • 1h30 session: 190Frs

Sessions for two (or more) in-person in Lausanne or online (Zoom):

  • 1h15 session: 190Frs
  • 1h30 session: 230Frs


Information and bookings: or 076 561 04 40.

In case of financial difficulties, let’s take the time to discuss and find a suitable arrangement.

Sessions not cancelled within 48 hours (business days) will be charged.